I Eat, Therefore I Am

Food, food, glorious food! and Nutrition

OMG December 27, 2010

Filed under: help,lessons,life,Personal — eujzin @ 3:12 pm

Just realised that my past two posts are bitching and whining. hope I turn become some whiney person that I would hate myself for.

God, please help me be a stronger person.

Someone who have the courage to change things (if i could)

serenity to accept the things that I can’t

and strength and wisdom to know the difference!


Dunno wat to say

Filed under: frustration,life,Personal — eujzin @ 3:09 pm

Just had a good weekend, christmas, and staycation despite some hiccups.

Back at home, today, workday but on leave. The feeling was supposed to be wonderful.

This same feeling, same as when i have my staycation. Serenity, tranquility, peace. And quietness.

No incessant reminders of work, of stress in general.

Today WAS supposed to be all that. no one’s supposed to be home. or if they were, this is supposed to be HOME. A place of refuge, a place for sanctuary. AWAY from stress, or the reminders of stress.

Why do parents or people in general like to irritate others with their incessant complaints and nagging. I am fine with CONSTRUCTIVE critism. but it’s another thing altogether when you do not trust someone. and expect the WORSE of every person.

Why can’t we be more tolerant and thoughtful for each other.that way, life will be much much MUCH better with all that lesser stress and duress.

I miss that feeling. I wish I was back…in Wanderlust…